Mithun’s response to his lover for leaving

Mithun’s response

Entertainment desk: Mithun’s response Mithun Chakraborty is a popular actor of West Bengal. He has given many hit movies in his career.

He still appears on the screen with power. Mithun gained popularity by working not only in Tollywood, but also in Bollywood-Dhalliwood.

Mithun's response
Mithun’s response

However, the actor’s path to where he is today was not easy at all. Before becoming famous, he had to struggle to make it to the silver screen. And at that time, Mithun’s heart also broke. Suddenly the actor left his lover.

Mithun recently appeared in a reality show and brought up his past. The actor said, “Before I became a star,

I fell madly in love.” But the girl left. After that, the time gradually changed. I am a big star.

He also said, one day I am going on a plane. That girl was also on the same plane. But he was not looking into my eyes at all. I got up and walked towards her. I asked, ‘Why are you not looking at me?’

And then he looked. But it seems that he is very sorry. At that time I asked him to make it easy, then what you did, you did right.

ডিগ্রি ছাড়াই কীভাবে ফ্রিল্যান্স লেখক হবেন ?

ডিগ্রি ছাড়াই কীভাবে ফ্রিল্যান্স লেখক হবেন ?

After listening to my words, the girl replied, I think I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have done that then. In reply, Mithun said, if you had not done these things, maybe I would not have become such a big star.


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